Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ava slept through the night...and I started waking up about 5 out of habit. Gotta love that! I finally got my car registered today. It's been due for a long time, but in the rush of life...never got done. I had to get the windshield replaced, so I took it to Techna glass at 8 this morning and it was done by 9. It's such a relief to know that I'm driving legally. The inspection had been done since May, but since it had been so long, I had to pay for them to do it AGAIN. Can we say stupid tax?

I've been especially negative lately...I apologize to all around me. I'm now realizing it and working on it. Hopefully with some extra sleep...I will evict negative nancy from my personality.

I started making Beef Stew about 11:30 today...and I'm hoping it turns out ok. Simple enough if I screw it up--that will be really sad. I'm also wanting to make cookies. I'm currently weighing out in my mind what I want more...a nap...or homemade choc chip cookies. It's the first day that I don't have Kilgore trucks beeping and dumping crap from truck to truck infront of my a nap is REALLY appealing. But mmmmm cookies. Perhaps I'll do a nap first...and then cookies. That way...they'll still be warm when Ava gets up. She LOVES warm cookies--although, who doesn't? I bought a massive bag of choc chips last night at the store...and am really excited to make some. I haven't baked cookies in ages. Apparantly, blogging is winning overall. Egh.

1 comment:

Amanda K said...

Hey you! Stumbled onto your blog as I was blog stalking :) Hope all is well and that you are feeling well. Pete says hello1

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