Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today was our last day as primary teachers. (is it wrong to do a little dance here?) A ton of people--such as my parents--love love love being primary teachers, however...I do not. It's not that I don't like kids...I just don't enjoy being a primary teacher.
We are now assistant Choir Directors for our ward. This will be an interesting adventure, as I do not read music. I can read the treble clef, but that's it. Our ward has tons of extremely talented singers, so I'm very excited to get our choir going.
I love having morning church. We came home and had lunch, and then Ava napped. She's still napping actually. We had tomato soup and grilled cheese. Ava LOVES grilled cheese, and will eat all of her very own sandwich. It's awesome!!
I'm a bit I might try to nap for a minute.

1 comment:

B-Blogit said...

I would dance with you. Happy little jive, cant wait to not teach it either :)

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