Friday, April 1, 2011

family picture outfits for becca review

Ava will be wearing

Simon will be wearing

Since Chris and I are in solids, is it ok that they are both in plaid, or should Simon have like a solid red polo? Ideas?


Becca said...

I think that's great. simon's shoes are so dang cute!!! I have no idea what shoes bryant is going to wear yet. ha. I have bryant in a green plaid shirt too. It's hard to tell what's going to look good together, we might just look like a crazy group, who knows? ha. When I went back and looked at the "inspiration picture" again it looks like the lady put a pattern on every kid at least once (including plaid), so I think it will be fine if the kids are patterned. I'm excited!!

Deborah said...

Me too. Nic cut Ava's hair today and it's soooooooo adorable.

B-Blogit said...

i like simons clothes! cool!