Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First Snow

Our first real snow this year was pretty intense now that we live on the mountain. Here are some photos. I took them as a "thank you" for my Grandma Simon-who bought my kids their ultra warm winter coats. They are from "Herbergers." THE place to shop. Oh how I wish we had one--but my husband and bank account are equally grateful that we don't. The kids were pretty sad that the snow has melted, but I assured them there will be plenty to go around soon. Simon is requesting Cheerios, so off I go.


SarahJo said...

These pictures are insanely perfect. Your children are gorgeous. Not that this is new information.

Sandra said...

These pictures are adorable - maybe because the subjects are adorable :) And because their Mom is an amazing photographer! Thanks for posting these - makes me smile :)

Ashley said...

Love love love them. We haven't had snow here most days are still in their 50's out...it's kind of depressing but I like it too...miss you all. I really will be calling soon. Things got really hectic yesterday and will stay that way until about Sunday...boo. But I read through some of our old emails to each other last night and it made me cry I miss you so much.