Monday, July 27, 2009

so two weeks ago, Chris and I challenged one another to a fast food fast. We realized that we were spending TONS of money at various drive-thru places. So, I filled a zip lock bag with water, threw in my debit card and chucked it in the back of the freezer. It's amazing how much easier it is to drive all the way home for lunch/snack, when I have no plastic. We've not only opened up a huge chunk of change in our budget to put on debt, but I feel so much better. I've been cooking dinner every night, and am starting to really enjoy it. I've been packing Chris's lunches every day. His coworker in the IT department has also started bringing lunch too, so it's not like he's feeling a daily pressure to hit up Del Taco. It's awesome. Friday, we randomly decided to take FrontRunner to Salt Lake and ate as a family at Rumbi. Even though I got a salad, I still felt toxic afterwards. I'm reverting back to being an eat at home person. YEAY! Plus, it can't hurt the figure right ;)
Frontrunner was so cool. They are running a 4 adults for $10 roundtrip deal for the summer. I'd never ridden on it before, and I was probably just as excited as Ava. We sat on the top floor and pointed out every animal along the way. Random farms from here to SL. It was BLASTED hot, but we still had fun. We walked around gateway for 2 hours. Ava didn't play in the water like we thought she would, but she still had fun. Saturday, Ava woke up very cross. She ended up spending most of the day with her Granni, while Chris and I worked on much needed chores. My sweet hubby folded load after load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen, while I picked up toys and entertained the Simon. Ava came home and slept until about 8pm, and still made it to bed about 10. Our new rule is bed by 9:30, and we've hit it for 2 weeks, except twice. It's awesome. Well, she should be up any time now...and i think I hear her throwing something down the stairs...better go check it out.

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