Wednesday, February 25, 2009

complete dork out

So my drywall came yesterday. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool. Even cooler. 8am sharp, there was a very big knock at my door and Johnson Drywall was here to start putting it up. I've seen tons of Flip this House and endless hours of HGTV...and I must say, that this team...this the closest thing I've ever witnessed to being the same speed as tv. Within the first 20 minutes...I mean froma kcok at the door to me going downstairs to cover the server...there was a CEILING in the office. HOLY COW!!!! I'm so rediculously excited. 10 minutes later, they had already started the bathroom. INSANE. These guys are AMAZING. I asked if they would mind if I came down to take pictures--because I'm THAT big of a dork...the lead guy kind of chuckled and said it would be fine. haha. supreme dork award to ME

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