Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quick Run Down

Nothing snazzy here, but just wanted to blog it out for a moment, in hopes of starting a habit. After only 4 hours of sleep, for both Ava and myself--I'd say we both had a pretty good day today. I'm sure Chris didn't get much more sleep than we did, as he surrendered the bed to us last night and relocated to the couch downstairs. Today was quite productive-despite our all night-partying of primary songs to the point of pure disillusion. We got up and had breakfast together, and snuggled for a while...then Chris decided it was time to put together the wardrobe set that has been dwelling in our living room for about 2 weeks now. We headed to the office to pick up his tools and grabbed our favorite Saturday grub-Rancheritos Breakfast Burrito--really it's amazing. It feeds all three of us for HOURS. Ava went down--quite reluctantly for a nap, and Chris and I got to work. We almost finished before she woke up. When she came into our room and saw the new closet stuff, she was pretty excited. Chris's side was being filled with fun gadgets, and mine was empty--and thus Ava claimed it as her very own brand new play space. She filled it with some styrofoam she found on the floor, and her baby. They danced to Billy Idol--yes we listen to Billy Idol--in the wardrobe. It was truly adorable. Much to my surprise we finished the closet in like 3 hours. Pretty incredible. I was not the best person to work with, as I had only had very minimal sleep. Perhaps I should have been forced to take an afternoon nap as well. We finished in time to shower, dress, and head over to Alena's party. It was nice to meet Mary and Mike's family--but we felt a tad out of place, because we didn't know anyone. We need to stop being so socially awkward. Seriously--as much as 15 year old me was annoying, at least she was fearless--where or where are you social deb??? Back in PA I guess.
We went to Wal*Mart to grab some grub for Dewey's baby blessing tomorrow. CRAP...I still need to find a sub. Why doesn't no one answer their phone? ..uh I digress...nearing 1am I really should be in bed...crazy crazy blog. As we were leaving with our Macaroni Salad and Fertilizer--stunning combo I know, we were so excited to see that amazing fireworks were going off just beyond the new Lowes. Clinton Days...HORRAY--sad though that I missed the carney rides. They were GORGEOUS fireworks though. We stayed for a bit, until we realized everyone was pulling into the lot, and if we ever wanted to get home, we'd have to leave before they ended. Now, post a TNT movie, with the sound off, and far too many commercials, we are headed to dreamland, where hopefully I will not dream of sharks ripping my legs off--thank you TNT movie. Pictures to follow soon...of Wardrobe building--Super Ava *good stuff you dont' want to miss it* and times!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I'm so sad we missed the fireworks. We forgot about them untill we were both too tired to do anything about it. it was a long day at Antelope island for us yesterday. I havn't even got up the umph to blog about it yet.

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